Motivate even when all you want is to curl up under a blanket

Here we are post-holidays, in the midst of winter, and it's dark and rainy outside.
It can be hard to motivate when you want to just curl up with a blanket with a warm cup of tea. Mmm, that sounds nice right about now! But alas, regular busy life continues. "Girl's gotta eat!" So we muster up the energy to go to work, get the groceries, do the laundry, stare at clean laundry in bin for 3-4 days, and eventually put clean laundry away only to find it's already time to do laundry again. Hopefully, your life is more exciting than the laundry cycle, but you get my drift! We don't wanna do these things...but we must. The next time you are needing a little extra motivation, here are your essential oil allies to make today a happier day:
Peppermint! Of course. An oil most all of us know and love. Peppermint essential oil is highly energetic and helps refresh and alert the mind. Perfect to start the day or for mid-day lulls.
This is a great essential oil to diffuse or inhale if you are focusing on a creative project that needs your full attention. Big fan of Peppermint!

Ginger. A warming oil that ignites a fire in your spirit!
This is another essential oil that encourages energy and the willpower to tackle your to-dos with more ease. Diffuse or inhale Ginger's strong, spicy aroma to get a jumpstart on your to-dos. Ginger makes a perfect oil to use in the wintertime with it's warming and immune-supportive properties. Kick the colds away with Ginger essential oil!
Grapefruit. Grapefruit's sweet and sparkling aroma exudes a sunshiney disposition. If you battle with the seasonal blues, Grapefruit is your BFF. It's a happy oil that is well-known to combat tension and depression. It helps soothe stress and uplift the mind and body. Inhale straight from the bottle, or diffuse to purify your space.
Rosemary is known as a central nervous stimulant. It has a strong herbaceous aroma that encourages mental clarity. It can help increase alertness and liveliness. Rosemary has even been known to increase cognitive performance. (Moss, M. and Oliver, L. (2012). Inhaling or diffusing Rosemary is a great oil to use anytime you need to focus your attention on a task. Boosts energy, uplifts the spirit and helps improve concentration and retention of information.
If you are often on the go, or work in a space with others who are sensitive to scent, the Sniff & Smile Aromatherapy Inhalers are a perfect pocket-sized tool to use. You truly just sniff...and smile!
Two of my favorites to use on busy work days are the Time to Focus inhaler and Pick Me Up inhaler.

Time to Focus is blended with organic, therapeutic essential oils of Rosemary, Peppermint, Vetiver, and Lemon to help aid concentration, refresh and uplift the mind, and to increase alertness.
Pick Me Up is blended with Peppermint, Ravintsara, Grapefruit, Lemon, and Orange essential oils. Perfect to use first thing in the morning when you wake up, before exercising to maximize your workout, if you are in a mid-day slump, or whenever you need a happy, energizing pick me up.
If you are curious how aromatherapy inhalers work, watch this video below!
I hope using these essential oils throughout your busy days helps you power through your to-dos with more ease and enjoyment.
Wishing you peace & productivity,
Rachel, your neighborhood aromatherapist